Upper Limb Management after a Stroke or Brain Injury

Upper Limb Management after a Stroke or Brain Injury

In this session we will be exploring the result of non-use of a neurologically damaged hand and arm  which often results in contractures – shortened soft tissues which results in reduced arm movements and can prevent the hand from opening.  The hand can get smelly, sore and the skin will break-down.

It is vital to know how to physically handle a client’s arm if it has been affected by a neurological condition (a hemiplegic arm, for example) to prevent swelling,  pain and deterioration. We will teach how to manage the hand and arm : positioning, stretching, massaging and splinting all play an important role in maintaining what movements the client is able to perform and prevent it from deteriorating.

We will also look at the importance of early intervention and how a simple daily care routine can reduce pain for your client and maintain skin integrity – It is far simpler and easier to prevent a sore palm that to treat a sore palm, so investing in this training will save care-giving time in the longer term.

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